Here are some weird things I’ve done in my spare time.
The Parent Roast
A show I produce where comedians make fun of their parents. Keep an eye on my Instagram for the next show date!
My weekly newsletter of the best stuff on and off the internet. It's not whatever’s trending on Twitter, but the weird links found hours deep down some rabbit hole - plus info on great books, underrated songs, delicious recipes and more. Every Wednesday we also publish an original, usually funny essay, and paying subscribers get a bonus post every other week.
Highlights include:
I have a YouTube channel now! I’m expanding on some of the deep dives and rabbit holes I’d publish in my newsletter in a format that’s much more visual. My first video is about the decorative concrete goose community. It’s a real thing, so someone needed to rank the goose outfits for sale from one small business.
Lizzie McGuire Reviewed
Just what it sounds like: new reviews of an old show, once a week for two years.